
Bristol Police Officer Resigns Following Arrest

As reported in the April 7, 2015 edition of the Providence Journal, a Bristol Police officer was arrested and charged with breaking and entering of a dwelling house and misdemeanor larceny. He alleged broke into a home in Warren and stole prescription medication. Following his arrest, he resigned from the Bristol Police Department.

Pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws 11-8-2, breaking and entering of a dwelling is defined as every person who shall break and enter at any time of the day or night any dwelling house or apartment, whether the dwelling house or apartment is occupied or not, or any outbuilding or garage attached to or adjoining any dwelling house, without the consent of the owner or tenant of the dwelling house, apartment, building, or garage.

The penalties if convicted include imprisonment for not less than two (2) years and not more than ten (10) years for the first conviction, and for the second and subsequent conviction shall be imprisoned for not less than four (4) years and not more than fifteen (15) years, or fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both.

(b) Every person convicted pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be ordered to make restitution to the victim of the offense or to perform up to five hundred (500) hours of public community restitution work, or both, or any combination of them approved by the sentencing judge. The court may not waive the obligation to make restitution and/or public community restitution work. The restitution and/or public community restitution work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and not in lieu of the fine or sentence.

Larceny is defined as every person who shall steal any money, goods, or chattels, or any note of the general treasurer of this state for the payment of money, any bank bill, any certificate of any bank or of any public officer or corporation securing the payment of money to any person or certifying it to be due, any certificate of stock in any corporation, any order entitling a person to money or other article, or any bill of exchange, bill of lading, railroad ticket, bond, warrant, obligation, bill, or promissory note for the payment of money, or other valuable property, or any record or paper belonging to any public officer, or any writ, warrant, or other legal process, or any book or part of one containing an account, any receipt for money or other article paid or delivered, any adjustment or document of any kind relating to the payment of money or delivery of any article, any indenture of apprenticeship, or any deed, covenant, indenture, or assurance whatsoever respecting any property, real or personal, shall be deemed guilty of larceny.

A person is charged with misdemeanor larceny or felony larceny depending on the type of item stolen and the value of that item. Items worth $1,500.00 or less are charged as misdemeanors. Items worth more than $1,500.00 or a firearm are charged as felonies. The penalties if convicted of misdemeanor larceny include imprisonment for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or both.

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