
Attorney Humphrey Law Day Lecture - Newport, RI

I am once again honored to have had the opportunity to present with Judge Taft-Carter and Attorney Kimberly Petta, the Rhode Island Law Day program at the Newport County Courthouse. The Rhode Island Law Day program is sponsored by the Rhode Island Bar Association and focused upon First Amendment issues. Our presentation discussed free speech, its protections and the ability of government to limit free speech. The presentation included a discussion about cyber-crimes, specifically cyberbullying, cyberharassment, sexting, and the dangers of posting personal information on the Internet. In attendance at the program were over seventy (70) students and staff from Thompson Middle School located in Newport, Rhode Island.

The Rhode Island Bar Association does an excellent job in presenting programs throughout the State for middle school and high school students to celebrate Law Day. It is extremely beneficial for young people to understand our judicial system and to have an opportunity to discuss topics which are relevant to them. In addition to the cyber-crimes program, the students took a tour of the courthouse and cellblock, and watched live courtroom demonstrations at the Newport County Superior Court.

If you or a family member has been charged with an Internet crime such as cyber-bullying or sexting, which can lead to child pornography charges, please contact the Law Offices of Robert H. Humphrey. Attorney Robert H. Humphrey is a recognized leader in the area of sex crimes and Internet-related crimes. Please contact Attorney Robert H. Humphrey at 401-816-5862 or e-mail him at

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