
Drunk Driving Crackdown

As reported by Kate Bramson and Maria Armental in the August 24, 2010 edition of the Providence Journal, the police are cracking down on drunk and impaired drivers. The Rhode Island State Police and local law enforcement are conducting a "You Drink & Drive, You Lose" campaign from August 20th through September 6th. Thus far, the crackdown has led to twenty-one (21) arrests. The Rhode Island State Police arrested the most people, 7 in total, both Providence and Cranston Police Departments arrested 6 and South Kingstown arrested. Nearly all of those arrested, were men, ranging in age from 24-52.

In order to process the increased number of drunk driving arrests, the police received help from Massachusetts. The Massachusetts State Police allowed Rhode Island to use a mobile Breath Alcohol Vehicle (BAT), which can measure the blood alcohol level of multiple suspects at one time. It also allows police to measure suspect's alcohol levels in the field, instead of taking them back to the station.

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